Some other frame modifications is also possible using MA's Frame Editors(introduced in 11.b2). Other addons and addon packs that might interest you are: Deadly Boss Mods, Move Anything, Dynamic Cam, Omen Threat Meter, and Details ! Damage Meter.MoveAnything enables you to move, scale, hide and adjust transparency of just about any screen element in WoW, offering tools to help you customize your UI. Later, when you get accustomed, you can pick individual mods. But keep in mind that there are a lot of addons and thing can get confusing fast.įor starters, we advise using an addon pack, like ElvUI. However, the newcomers can customise UI, as well.

For Tank/DPS place frames to on side of the screen and show the less possible info (only HP, name, buffs/debuffs). Remove Raid Leader/Masterlooter/Assist (unless you are the raid leader).Remove portraits, as they add distraction to a frame.Either use PRD and KUI nameplates or hide PRD and use unit frames like HealBot Continued or Shadowed Unit Frames. Don’t use both frames and Personal Resource Display.Reduce it to yourself, raid DPS and top 3 DPS. – Change DPS Meter colours to 0 opacity title/background. Get Skada with Skada Chat Frame Integrator and have it hidden.Best-suited for the job are WeakAuras, TellMeWhen, or a well placed/tweaked Bartender4 action bar.Your cooldowns are very important, so place them in a visible place.Remove all unnecessary features like fonts modifier, buttons and other. Use Prat 3.0 to optimise your chat window.You should make it simple and stick to the essentials: Each buff/debuff should only appear in once place at a time. Short duration (less than 60 seconds) buffs and all debuffs should be showed in the middle. Use an aura addon, like Aura Frames, and set up the buff filtering to only show long duration buffs on the edge of your screen.Home › How to › Customise your World of Warcraft user interface