Studio Ghibli has a special kind of power as a studio. I can see why the PS3 version had the impact it did, but as a common resident of this specific genre space, I was surprised to find myself a little underwhelmed. Luckily, yours truly hasn’t actually played Ni no Kuni substantially before, so your boy jumped in here with a fresh set of eyes. Normally that sort of a release might be difficult to assign a score to, depending on what a critic might expect from the average re-release (especially since the Switch version apparently needs some work).

Otherwise it’s the same game, with no extra bonuses or amenities. It doesn’t quite reach 4K/60 on a PS4 Pro, but it can do 4K/30 with a 1440p option for the faster frame rate. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Remastered is a straight-up enhanced port of the PS3 original, running at a smooth 60 frames per second at 1080p on a standard PS4. This release is just Ni no Kuni but better-looking, and if that sounds great to you, then you’re in for a good time.

Alright folks, buckle up if you’re one of the many JRPG enthusiasts who loved Ni no Kuni back on the PS3, this review won’t be for you.